Well, we did it. We made it past Seth's 4th birthday. Seth had a great "Star Wars" birthday.. everything Star Wars. As long as it is a clone trooper or Darth Vader he is a happy boy.
After 4 time of false labor, Douglas finally decided to come. He arrived at 12:45pm on the 9th of September... and is now 3 weeks old (tomorrow). Labor made me realize why I don't particulatry like it. And I do believe that we are done. I am very happy with my children, and family. God has blessed us greatly, and there is no need to populate anymore. I think the was the 6 hours of back labor that made that decision :) Really after the pit it was only 4 hours and only 1 hour after the epidural (waste of money this time). But he's here. I am getting absloutly no sleep. and running on caffiene and chocolate.(no wonder my old clothes aren't fitting)
He has his fussy moments, as does everybody else in this family. He is starting to smile, which I believe is a real smile. and he is gaining weight daily, he is like is Daddy, a monster of an eater.
I am enjoying staying home, and just doing the job I love the best, being mom.
I hope that you all enjoy your first weeks of fall, and the changing seasons!
until next time.