Saturday, April 26, 2008


So after spending the whole day outside in 80 degree sunshine, it is now freezing cold again, and is suppose to be all week. The kids and I planted flowers yesterday and now it is too cold to even think about it. I guess today would be a good day to clean.

Baby Douglas is growing fast. Next week marks the 5 month mark! He likes to move around alot, especially when I am trying to be quiet! The recent garage sales have been good to find a few ods and ins that we will be needing, that I sold a few years ago. OPPS.

We also have 4 beautiful kittens that are growing too. They will be needing good homes!


Saturday, April 12, 2008

New News

Well the latest and greatest news is that the baby comming in September is another boy. We are thrilled, well all but Hannah. she says "thats not fair." I just remind her that she is lucky because she is now the only princess! And she is ok with that. We are not sure what we still have left over from Seth, nor so we know where this little one will sleep. But advancements are being made.
Included are the ultrasound pics and some of our recent vacation to Orlando. Enjoy!